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Teresa Azcoaga -Villa Carlota

3 years ago

During the lockdown, Teresa Azcoaga and her boyfriend decided to build an epic backyard trails spot! After tons of hours of digging, they have a spot dialed in that looks amazing! Here's a video giving us a look at Villa Carlota!

We present to you #VillaCarlota ?, the story of how the confinement led the Spanish rider Teresa Fernández-Miranda and her partner to build a camp of #BMX and #MTB in the garden of their home.

Produced by Marramedia and directed by We Are Hype Agency, this documentary short film starring Teresa Fernández-Miranda and Javi Vaquer also features riders Jona Monfort, Fernando Godes, Miguel Peris and Lionel Miguel.

"Os presentamos #VillaCarlota ? , la historia de cómo el confinamiento llevó a la rider española Teresa Fernández-Miranda y a su pareja a construir un campillo de #BMX y #MTB en el huerto de su casa.

Producido por Marramedia y dirigido por We Are Hype Agency, este cortometraje documental protagonizado por Teresa Fernández-Miranda y Javi Vaquer cuenta además con la participación de los riders Jona Monfort, Fernando Godes, Miguel Peris y Lionel Miguel."

