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Sergio Layos 2020 Sierra Bike Check

3 years ago Sergio Layos Bike Check

Sergio Layos has been busy healing up from surgery on his foot the past few months, but he has recently dialed in his 2020 Sierra setup with a few new items that we're excited to be releasing in the near future! The crew over at DIG caught up with Sergio to get a closer look at his setup, along with a few questions about his bike, the way we do product development around here and, of course, what he's been up to since the quarantine orders have taken over. You can check out the full bike check over on the DIG WEBSITE!

We will be releasing our second batch of Magneto hubs at the end of the month, along with the new Ruben 2 grips! We also have our new Volcano headset and Volcano fork with a mellower 33mm offset coming! Full details coming soon!

